How To Troubleshoot A Pulsing Rv Water Pump

rv water pump pulsing

While using the water pump in your RV, the last thing you want to hear is a loud banging noise. This is an indication that your RV water pump has begun to pulsate.

Pulsing pumps can cause many issues within your plumbing system and can be very frustrating for any RVer. But, fortunately, with some light troubleshooting, you should be able to get things back to normal quickly. We’ll discuss some of the most common causes of a pulsating RV water pump in this article, as well as how to fix these issues yourself.

  1. Pressure Switch Failure
  2. The pressure switch is a mechanical device that is not very reliable. It's also fairly inexpensive, so if you want to try repairing it yourself, the cost of replacement parts will be less than what it would cost to have someone else do it for you.

    A failingpressure swith will interupt water pressure, thus causing a water pump to pulse. This is one of the first things that should be checked.

    If your pressure switch does fail and your water pump continues to run at full speed even when there's no water coming out of your faucets or shower head, replace this part immediately.

  3. Your Fresh Water Tank Is Low On Water
  4. Your water pump may be pulsing because your fresh water tank is low on water. Check the level of your tank and fill it if necessary. If the tank is full, you should check for leaks in all connections from the fresh-water hose to any other parts of your RV. If no leaks are found, then you may need to replace the water pump.

  5. Stuck Check Valve or Foot Valve
  6. Pulsing can be caused by two other things: a stuck check valve or foot valve.

    Check valves and foot valves are located at the bottom of your water tank, and they’re used to prevent backflow of water. If these get stuck, this could cause the pump to pulse when it switches between hot and cold water modes (if you have one).

  7. A Blocked or Missing Inlet Water Filter
  8. If your water filter is missing or blocked, it will significantly reduce the flow rate of your RV's water pump. This can cause your pump to work harder and lead to overheating or pulsing.

    The easiest way to confirm if this is the issue is by removing the water filter and checking for debris in it. If you find debris, simply remove it with a brush or rag and reinstall the filter back into place. The best option however would be to replace it.

    If there are no visible signs of debris in your water filter, we recommend replacing it with one that has a higher micron rating (the smaller particles that get filtered out) and/or faster flow rate (the amount of water flowing through).

  9. Bad Fluidmaster Fill Valve
  10. To determine if your RV water pump is pulsing because of a bad fill valve, follow these steps:

    • Take the cap off of the fill valve and look inside it. You should see a small spring-loaded plunger mechanism. If there is no plunger, then it's likely that you need to replace your old fill valve with one that includes this piece (it’s called “disconnector assembly”).
    • Next, place your hand over the hole where the hose goes into your tank and push down on it with your index finger while watching for any changes in pressure or flow from the hose coming out of your RV bathroom sink or shower head(s). If you notice no change in either direction when pushing down on this hole then remove any clogs within that section of pipe by using two screwdrivers placed side by side against each other so they act like pliers; wiggle them back and forth until something comes loose inside there so it can be pulled out easily with fingers (plastic parts tend not be very strong).
  11. Something Stuck in the Water Intake Pipe
  12. With a pulsing rv water pump, something might be stuck in the intake pipe, first check to see if it can be easily removed.

    You can try running some water through the intake pipe for a few minutes to flush out any debris. If this doesn't work, take apart your water pump and clean it thoroughly, then put everything back together.

    Check your pressure switch and make sure that it's set correctly for your RV's power source. If you're still having problems with pulsing after checking these things out, open up just one faucet at a time and see if that makes a difference—if so then most likely your problem is caused by low water pressure when either opened individually or both at once due to clogged filters or other issues with plumbing system components like hoses/lines connecting them together which could cause excessive strain on both valves leading into/out of each respective one (like how two people trying simultaneously pull hard enough against one another would result in no movement happening whatsoever).

  13. A leak Somewhere in the Plumbing System
  14. If you have a leak somewhere in the plumbing system, it will be difficult to pinpoint where exactly the water is coming from.

    To find out where your leak is:
    • First, get all of your appliances turned off and then turn on all faucets, sinks, showers and toilets one at a time for about 30 seconds each (this will allow any leftover water to drain out).
    • Then turn off each appliance as you test them individually until you notice that there are no leaks. This means that the leak is coming from somewhere between two things that can be turned on or off
    • If there's still no leak while everything else has been turned off then look closer at whatever has been left running (for example if you've left faucet "A" running while turning off all other faucets/sinks) until eventually when both are opened simultaneously there will be a steady drip coming from somewhere within their proximity with this method however it may take some patience so don't give up yet.
    • The best thing about this technique is that once you've found your culprit(s), repairing them will require less time than trying something else like replacing pipes or such because these are generally smaller fixes which means less hassle overall but just keep in mind before doing anything too crazy like removing drywall just yet because sometimes those holes might not even need fixing.

How to fix a pulsing rv water pump

You have read about all the different things that can cause a pulsing rv water pump. Now it is time to give you some ideas about how you can possibly go about fixing some of these problems

  • Check your pressure switch and make sure that it's set correctly for your RV's power source
  • pumps can cause many issues within your plumbing system and can be very frustrating for any RVer. But, fortunately, with some light troubleshooting, you should be able to get things back to normal quickly. We’ll discuss some of the most common causes of a pulsating RV water pump in this article, as well as how to fix these issues yourself.
  • Check your water tank and make sure its full. Water pumps can only pump so much water before they need to refill, so you want to be sure that there's enough in there for them to do their job without having to stop and wait on a fill-up every few minutes or so.
  • Replace your filter if you have one installed (and use the manufacturer's recommended model). If nothing else works, try replacing this component first before moving on down below.
  • Make sure everything is connected properly; if not fixed immediately, this could lead to major issues later on down the road! Also check other components like pipes or faucets as well - these may also contribute directly towards an Rv Water Pump Pulsing Problem.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Step 1: Turn off the pump.

Step 2: Hold the tube that is attached to the switch with your thumb.

Step 3: Turn on the pump and see if water comes out of the tube.

Step 1: Locate the pressure switch.

Step 2: Set the pressure level to a higher pressure than what is currently set.

Step 3: Turn the power off to the water pump.

Step 4: Wait for at least five minutes and then turn the power back on to the water pump.

Most often, the failure of an RV water pump is due to a power supply issue. Here are some common reasons why your RV water pump may not be turning on and what you can do about them:

Problems with the electrical system

If there’s a problem with the electrical system of your RV, it will likely affect all systems that require power to operate. If your RV water pump is not turning on and you’re confident that it’s receiving a steady flow of water from the tank, check the electrical system for any issues.

A blown fuse

A blown fuse may be what’s causing your RV water pump not to turn on. It’s relatively easy to check for this issue if you have any experience working with wiring systems.

Is the Water Pump Stuck in the On Position?

At times, a water pump can get stuck in the on position. This will cause your water pump to run all the time, even when you're not using any water. This can also cause it to overheat, which will prevent it from turning back on until it cools down. So if you've just recently turned off your RV water pump and turned on your faucet and nothing happens, try waiting a few minutes before trying again. If it comes back on, then this indicates that the water pump was stuck in the "on" position and overheated. In this case, you might want to consider replacing your RV water pump because if it overheats once, chances are it wi

Is Water Pushing Back Through Your Fresh Water Tank?

If you're experiencing low pressure at your faucets but the RV water pump is running continuously, this could indicate that there is an obstruction or blockage somewhere in the line between your fresh water tank.


In some circumstances, a pulsing RV water pump can be a sign of an impending problem. It could mean that there’s an issue with your system, or just that you haven’t turned the water heater on. But if you find yourself dealing with this issue, don’t worry! We hope our guide has helped you identify the cause of your pulsing water pump, and now you know what steps to take to fix it.

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image of Kevin Pommells

Hi, I'm Kevin Pommells, a lover of camping and the great outdoors as everyone says nowadays. I'm also a passionate soccer fan and the proud owner of, a website dedicated to helping campers and outdoor enthusiasts make the most of their adventures. With years of experience exploring the wilderness and a deep love for the sport of soccer, I'm always looking for new ways to combine my two passions and share my knowledge with others. Follow me for tips, tricks, and insights on all things camping and outdoor recreation.

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