How to Balance on a Bike? Full Step-By-Step Guide

girl balancing on a bike

The ability to ride a bicycle is synonymous with childhood. However, this does not mean that you need to have been a child in order to learn how to balance on a bike. The good news is that it is never too late to learn how to ride properly and the best part is that you will not even need an adult-sized tricycle or your training wheels.

This article will teach you all the tips and tricks you need to know to start balancing on your bike perfectly.

Why learning to balance a bike is so important?

For starters, balance is the key. By and large, if you can’t balance on a bike, you will not be able to ride one. This also means that learning how to balance on a bike is just as important as learning how to pedal. If attempting either of these skills before the other seems counterintuitive, it’s because it is.

Learning how to pedal first might seem logical at first glance; after all, while riding forward is what gets you from point A to point B, most people who lack balance do so primarily because they lack an understanding of body positioning on a bike. Without proper body positioning on the saddle, one cannot learn how to ride in a straight line or go any faster than a snail’s pace without toppling over.

4 Drills to help improve your balance on a bike

If you’re still not ready to balance a bike on your own, then you may want to try the following drills.

  1. Walk with your bicycle parallel to you, keeping it upright by holding the saddle or handlebars; or
  2. Keep the bicycle upright by resting it against a wall and tilting it over as you would ride it.
  3. Use a wall: This is similar to walking with your bike, but instead of keeping it upright through sheer will power, use a wall for support. Lean your bicycle against a wall at different angles as you walk alongside it, or lean into the wall and crouch over your handlebars as if you were about to start pedaling. Pedal one revolution, stop and repeat until you feel confident enough to try balancing without the wall next time around!
  4. Sit down with your feet on the pedals and practice pedaling around in circles without moving your body. You'll want to keep your back straight while doing this drill so you don't fall over forward or backward (if you do, pick yourself up and try again!).
Exercises I recommend doing before and after each ride. Here’s how:
  • Belly Button Pushups – 5 reps per side.
  • Single Leg Balance – 30 seconds per leg.
  • Pumping – 20 reps.
  • Bunny Hops – 10 reps.
  • Rock Walk (Lateral Step Up) – 5 reps per side.

How to find your balance

Once you have your bike, the next thing you need to do is figure out how to balance on that thing.

The first step to achieving this is identifying what your center of gravity is. If you're interested in learning more about that, look up "center of gravity" in a book or something. I don't know, people are always asking me for my secrets and I'm sick of it! Just because I can ride a bike well doesn't mean I have any special knowledge about it that isn't already common knowledge.

Anyway, now that you know where your center of gravity is, make sure you keep your weight centered over the bike. Also try not to tense up your arms and legs; if anything they should be slightly bent. This will help make balancing easier and also limit injury if you fall off the bike (which will happen). It's important when riding a bicycle to be able to relax into it and let it guide you with as little effort as possible while maintaining control over its direction.

Once you've got all that under control (or just mostly under control), start moving, by which I mean riding. But not at full speed right away because then you'll wobble off-balance and probably crash before getting anywhere close to finding equilibrium on the bike. Try pedaling at half-speed or so until you feel comfortable staying upright and balanced on the cycle machine's frame, then increase speed from there. Be careful though, if you go too fast too soon there's a chance that one small rock might throw off your entire balance and cause an accident.

5 Tips to help you balance on a bike

Learn to ride a bike by perfecting your balancing skills. These drills will help you get comfortable with the feeling of riding a bike and are easy to practice in your own driveway.

  1. Hold the handlebars at the right height : You might not know this, but having the wrong-sized handlebars can actually affect your balance. So when you’re reaching for the handlebars, make sure they are high enough that you can comfortably reach them without having to slouch over too much. If your neck is craning in an uncomfortable way, you’re going to have a harder time balancing on your bike. It should also be low enough that you can easily move your head and neck around while looking at the road.
  2. Focus on a fixed point : While you are pedaling, keep your eyes focused on a fixed point in front of you and not the handlebars or the front wheel. This will naturally straighten up the upper body, so that it'll be easy for you to balance and steer the bike. Avoid looking down at your feet or at the ground. Try focusing on the horizon instead, which will help with your balance drastically.
  3. Find your center of gravity : To find your center of gravity, first pretend you are a cat. This is easy. Cats are extremely in touch with their center of gravity, and it's not hard to imitate them. Next, hold your arms straight out in front of you like a zombie (or a cat). Then lean forward and backward as far as you can without putting your feet down. Congratulations! You have just found the centers of gravity for both forward motion and backward motion. The middle ground between these two extremes is the position that will allow you to balance on your bike most easily. The experienced cyclist will know this trick may be executed while riding, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you need to quickly adjust your body weight, otherwise, it looks strange for the same reason walking on all fours does: it doesn't look natural when people do it!
  4. Get comfortable : Balancing on a bike is one of the most difficult things to learn and master. You might find yourself wobbling around like a newborn giraffe, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a method to this madness. Following these few steps will eventually turn you into a graceful gazelle of balance. There are many different positions and grips when it comes to riding a bike, but you should start with some basic ones that keep you balanced and centered. Start by standing next to your bike in the open, away from any poles or walls; people walking by can be awfully distracting too! Keep your hands on the handlebars lightly, palms pointed forward and feet firmly planted on the ground. Remember: grip the bar with your fingers instead of your palms, as this gives you more control over steering without hurting yourself in case of an accident. If possible, try not to lean against anything as it will make balancing harder once you begin pedaling (but do not fall!) Now that you’ve mastered standing still while balancing on your bike, it’s time for some slightly more challenging tasks: moving forward without falling down or crashing into something! You can either practice balancing while pedaling in place--which is easier since no one is watching--or try actual pedaling along straight roads or park paths with little traffic. For example: go out early in the morning before school starts or late at night after dinner when there aren't so many cars rushing around everywhere!.
  5. Stay practical : Learning how to balance on a bike is easy, but the key to maintaining your balance is practice and knowing what works for you. You need to be able to focus on a fixed point so that you don’t lose your balance if your bike starts to wobble. If it does, then you can use the brakes and steer in the right direction to regain control of your bicycle. The next step will help you avoid falling off your bicycle when it’s time for you to try out this balancing act at night or during bad weather conditions by making sure that all traffic lights are working properly before starting up again with these tips on how to stay balanced (or not fall off) while riding a bike.


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Balancing well on a bike is essential to have fun and improve your cycling. So, what’s the conclusion? There are many things you can do to improve your balance on a bike. However, the one that works best is simply riding your bike as much as possible (preferably in challenging conditions). It might take many hours or months of practice until you reach mastery level but the effort will pay off.

About Author:

image of Kevin Pommells

Hi, I'm Kevin Pommells, a lover of camping and the great outdoors as everyone says nowadays. I'm also a passionate soccer fan and the proud owner of, a website dedicated to helping campers and outdoor enthusiasts make the most of their adventures. With years of experience exploring the wilderness and a deep love for the sport of soccer, I'm always looking for new ways to combine my two passions and share my knowledge with others. Follow me for tips, tricks, and insights on all things camping and outdoor recreation.

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